Monday, May 23, 2016

Protection for New & Weak Converts part 2

Protection for New & Weak Converts part 2
Rev. Dr. Cecelia GreeneBarr

Education is vital for every convert, especially those who are new to the faith in Jesus Christ and those who are not yet strong believers.

When you become a citizen in the Kingdom of God, there’s a lot of things that you have to learn. Kingdom citizenship and church membership are not the same thing. You can join the church, in fact any denomination, and never learn anything about the Kingdom. Even when you join the church there are things you need to learn about that particular local church and denomination. Effort and intention will have to be exercised to learn the order of the house and the principles by which the members are expected to serve. Yet, in every local assembly there are new members who never take the time, or put forth the intention to learn about the congregation they have joined. But in the Kingdom of God, there is a lot to learn. One of the things you have to learn in the Kingdom is what to do with your faith. Another thing you have to learn in the Kingdom of God is how to protect your faith. And in the Kingdom of God you really need to learn how to grow your faith. You have to learn these lessons because we do not know them by instinct. We do not know them by hearsay. These are lessons that must be discerned, learned and applied by faith.

Keep learning because simply existing is not enough. Spend time each day learning how your faith can become a factor of change in the most exciting and positive ways. What will you do with your faith?


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