Friday, December 28, 2012

Shaking Hands

My family and I spent the day meeting new people, and boy did we meet some fantastic souls. With only the exception of a couple Muslim sisters, everyone else was very engaging and a pleasure to talk with. During my years in seminary I worked a summer at a hospital in a predominately Jewish community. I was a chaplain. Lots of times I would go to visit patients about to have surgery for prayer, conversation and just the blessing of presence. Even now I laugh at how quickly I was told (after introducing myself) that they were Jewish. Imagine how the conversation would go..."Hello, my name is Cecelia Greene and I'm a Chaplain here. How are you today? and the response would be "I'm Jewish". I learned how to deal with that response, but today the memory came alive those couple times when the response to my greeting was "I'm Muslim". It's all good. It makes me think that maybe they have been in contact with some diligent believers, to the point that they expected a pitch for Jesus.

But to the bounty of today's adventures....we were blessed to meet some hard working men and women who were making it happen on their corner of the world. I'm thankful for those who allowed me to pray for them, including the brother in need of healing. I'm sure a testimony will come forth to give glory to Jesus for healing his back. Thank you to everyone we met today.

Dr. Cecelia GreeneBarr

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Rev. Dr. Cecelia GreeneBarr - Testimony & Invitation

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The other night after watching a tv show on a network I turned it off and retired for some well deserved rest. The next day when I turned the tv on to my bewilderment the channel was gone. I texted a few people who I thought could shed light on the situation, but they didn't have a clue. I called the cable company only to be told the obvious...they network was no longer there. I went on the website and facebook page of the network looking for a clue as to what was going on, but absolutely nothing. Then many hours later a friend text back with some 3rd hand information about the change in location.
That experience has become a spiritual lesson for which I'll soon incorporate into a sermon. Many Christians go to bed with the past moves of God on their mind, but when they go back the next time, God has moved on to a new way and new location. They seek out clarity from people and institutions who have none. But the empowering grace for us is that God doesn't relocate His presence, anointing or plans without giving His servants a "heads up". That "heads up" comes from the HOLY SPIRIT who dwells within believers. Without Him, we are left to seeking answers from people who have none.
Are you ready for the moves that God is making in the Kingdom? I pray all believers arise to a new day with insight about what God is currently doing and where God is presently manifesting. AMEN

Monday, December 10, 2012

Spiritual Pregnancy

During my time of spiritual reading this morning I came across a line that made me pause in introspection. The line stated that Hannah was pregnant with a prophet and she had to first birth him in prayer before he could be birthed in the physical. I began to ask the question of myself and for those close to me, "What are you pregnant with?"

Many times we sense that we are pregnant with something or someone of Kingdom significance but we have been warned time and time again not to cast our pearls before swine, so we don't talk about our spiritual pregnancy. We don't even talk about it with God nor even in our own hearts. What are you pregnant with? Is there a prophet in your womb? Is there a reformer in your womb? I'm not asking about spiritual wombs... I'm actually directing this question to women who right this day are crying out to God to fill their womb with a child.

I remember the first year of marriage when my OBGYN told me that I should adopt because I would not be able to conceive. Rubbish! God had already shown a child to me so I didn't need that doctor's contrary words released over my life. That day he was released from being my OBGYN. No joke. Today I have two healthy, gifted and God-fearing children, thank you very much. But I must say that both were first birthed in prayer.

Now hear the question again but this time from a spiritual reality, "What are you pregnant with?" Hannah was pregnant with a prophet, are you? Are you pregnant with jobs for 250 people? Are you pregnant with a life enhancing patent? Are you pregnant with a deliverance ministry?

Whatever you are pregnant with, you like Hannah should be willing to birth it in prayer first. Last night I intentionally invested myself in a couple of spiritual children for several hours. We sat on the floor of my home office and discussed the plans and purposes of God. They had lots of questions, and though I was fatigued from a full day of pastoral duties, I counted it a joy to answer every single question that came out of their mouths. Then we prayed, and we prayed our way past the veil that separates earth-bound prayers from those that reach the throne room of God. Why would I spend my Sunday night in this manner? I did it because I know what I'm pregnant with and prayer will be the only way to birth my bundle of joy. That about Hannah...think about my testimony the next time you feel called to prayer.
Dr. Cecelia E. GreeneBarr